import getpass # for getpass.getuser() to get username
import random # to randomize the order of the questions
print("Hi " + getpass.getuser())
correct = 0 # number of correct questions
i = 1 # used to iterate through the dictionary
# dictionary of questions
# key - question
# value - answer
questions = {
"What python command will output to console?": "print",
"What python command asks for input from the user?": "input",
"What python command defines a function?": "def"
keys = list(questions.keys()) # sets the keys of a dictionary into a list
random.shuffle(keys) # shuffles the questions for funzies
letters = ['F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A', 'A']
# ask question
# input - the question and the question number
# output - the response to the question
def ask_question(question, i):
print(f"Question{str(i)} : " + question) # asks Question (number): question
msg = input() # sets msg as the response
return msg
# compares the response to the answer
# input - the response and the answer
# output - 0 if incorrect, 1 if correct
def check_response(question, response):
if questions[question] == response:
return 1
print(f"incorrect, the answer was \"{questions[question]}\"") # gives user the answer
return 0
for question in keys:
response = ask_question(question, i)
if check_response(question, response): # if correct
correct += 1 # number of correct
i += 1 # question number
print(f"score: {str(correct)}/{str(len(questions))} or {str(int(correct/len(questions)*100))}%") # correct / number of questions
print("letter grade: " + str(letters[int(correct/len(questions)*10)]))
import statistics # used for mean, median, mode
import os # output the current directory name
print("Input numbers spaced by commas:", end=" ")
try: # in case of ValueError
values = input().split(",") # inputted values
for i in range(len(values)): # convert list fom string to float
values[i] = float(values[i])
print("Mean: " + str(statistics.mean(values)))
print("Median: " + str(statistics.median(values)))
print("Mode: " + str(statistics.mode(values)))
print("Range: " + str(max(values) - min(values)))
except ValueError: # if the user inputted a non-number character
print("Please enter a list of numbers seperated by commas")
print("current directory:", end=" ")
os.system("pwd") # output current directory name
Input numbers spaced by commas: 2, 5, 6
Mean: 4.333333333333333
Median: 5.0
Mode: 2.0
Range: 4.0
current directory: /home/arthurliu/vscode/csp/_notebooks